This beloved American holiday classic comes to captivating life as a live 1940s radio broadcast. With the help of an ensemble that brings a few dozen characters to the stage, the story of idealistic George Bailey unfolds as he considers ending his life one fateful Christmas Eve.
"One of the best holiday shows around. This is a fresh and inventive way of reconnecting with a classic story of love and redemption."
Mary Houlihan, Chicago Sun-Times
"A well-loved tale told with style, charm and a heart so big it could burst the ribcage of the harshest Grinch."
Kerry Reid, The Chicago Tribune
Creative Team
“Lana Sherwood” - Natalie Zaidan
“Foley Artist” - Leonardo Vanegas
“Jake Laurents” – Francisco Beltran
“Hope Merriweather” – Julia Foster
“Robert Van Doren” - Prof. Rob Shaffer
“Freddie Fillmore” – Christopher Redo
“Willy Kurtz” – Owsmar Ramirez
“Sally Applewhite” - Ruth Russell
“Trixie Devine” - Eurydice Salcido
“Harry ‘Jazzbo’ Heywood” – Obsidian Samoya-Ramirez
“Hughie Adams” - Jordan Edwards
"Assistant Foley Artist" - Damian Becerra
"Organist" - Corina Flores Diaz
Director - Prof. Ruff Yeager
Stage Manager - Bruno Lopes
Asst. Stage Manager – Sophia Frary
Scenic, Properties, Light Design – Prof. Michael Buckley
Costume Design - Chong Mi Land
Sound Design– Hunter Flores
Performing Arts Coordinator – Silvia Nogales
Theater Operations Technicians- Brenton Warren, Brandon Watterson
Construction Supervisor - Robert Shuttleworth